Significant redevelopment opportunity with potential for a residential scheme given its zoning and strategic location.
The subject site, extending to approximately 2.1 acres (0.85 hectares), currently comprises of the former McEvoys Public House with secluded lands to the rear. The site is bounded to the East by Saint Finian’s Church of Ireland, Main Street Newcastle to the south and the Hazelhatch road to the West and Agricultural lands to the North.
The property has approximately 105 metres of road frontage onto the Main Street. There is an attractive landscaped picnic area to the eastern boundary of the site in front of the Saint Finian’s Church of Ireland. The Former McEvoys Public House given the favourable zoning is now primed for redevelopment as an attractive residential housing scheme and is identified as a Housing Capacity Site in the SDCC development plan 2016 – 2022.
The property, conveniently located just off the Main Street in Newcastle is within walking distance of a wealth of eateries, public houses and amenities that the Village of Newcastle offers. The area also benefits from close proximity to St Finians National School and a number of crèches in the locality. The Village has many sporting and recreation facilities including Peamount United FC and St Finians GAA. The property is within close proximity to a number large employment centres at Greenogue Business Park, Aerodrome Business Park, Baldonnell Business Park and Citywest Business Campus.
The site also benefits from excellent public transports links with Dublin Bus available along the Main Street to the City Centre. In addition the Train to the City Centre is available at Hazelhatch and Celbridge Train Station. The LUAS is available at the Red Cow Park and Ride. In addition, the N7 linking road users to the M50 is just 5 minutes’ drive with the M50 interchange at the Red Cow 10 minutes’ drive from the property, providing convenient access to the motorway and the entire national roads network.
In the settlement strategy of South Dublin County Development Plan 2016 – 2022, Newcastle is designated as a “Small town within the Metropolitan Green Belt”. The front part of the site is Zoned RES: “to protect and /or improve residential amenity”. The rear part of the site is Zoned RU : “To protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for the development of agriculture.”